I watched Orange Days, a Japanese drama. It was a charming, and really interesting story about two people who fell in love. You would say it is typical, well there are some surprises delightfully added by the producer. The girl involved in the story (Shubasaki Kou) is deaf and half mute (she doesn’t speak because she doesn’t want to), and more over she has a really stingy temper. The man (Tsumabuki Satoshi) really had to fall head over heels to put up with her temper. My appreciation for this story goes for many points about social life. First, all the love that her friends surrounded her with was really intriguing and charming. Second, all her aggressive temper toward her love (Satoshi), would be admirably quieted by his bright and crushing love. The kind of story that could opens your eyes about other realities of life. For instance, you never thought about it, but it can happen to you: falling for someone who is deaf or impaired.
After watching the drama, half sacrificing my studying time for the addictive story, I listened to Chris Rice song When did you fall in love. I smiled when I thought about their love, and the fact that Satoshi and Kou fell in love long before they knew it. I really appreciate the fact that concerning the main characters, it is a multifaceted love story: falling in love with someone for his/her talent, for his/her care, for his/her outward and inward beauty, and most importantly falling for someone because you just can’t get past his/her presence. And the crushingly loveable scene that could make you tear without your own consent: their dialogue while making love. Wow! The typical scene is when two lovers talk while sleeping together but never two people sign while sleeping together. It was new, original.
When Kai (Satoshi) told Sae (Kou) that God gives tribulations to those He knows would overcome them, a light went on in my head. I simply never saw it that way, and one more point for some Japanese drama: education. I just love it.
And despite everything that this story has in divergence with many others that I have read, heard of and watched, the popular expression “love prevails”, no, “Koi prevails” is what ties it to the others. And fortunately it is true.
Domo arigato or thank you very much!!!!
TDT Oct.6th, 2007 5h39’
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